Friday, August 31, 2007

Eadelman Encouragement

This is a picture of two of the kids that were in Kadiolo, Mali when we lived there in 1999-2000.

There is a couple in that same village now that we have known for a long time. They are field leaders for WorldVenture in Mali, and they have been an encouragement to us as we prepare to move out there.
Their names are Ernie and Jan Eadelman. Below is an excerpt from a letter Jan wrote to us. I hope it lets you see how God is going ahead of us in Mali and the work we will do there.


Sorry I didn't get right back to you. I should have. And then our phone
lines went down for several days so we did not get anything in or out.
Today they came back up.

The comment that Glenn mentioned: “It is our desire to tell true stories
that compel Malians toward a relationship with God.” is very
interesting. I think you could use it in your materials and
presentations etc. It brings up some interesting ideas and
questions--Bible stories? Testimonies? etc. I am sure you will use it well.

We will keep in touch with input for using your special skills here in
Mali. I am sure there are some neat ways. For instance, just last week
the Radio Drama team put on a evening of drama for the community. It was
videoed and also there were many still shots taken. I am sure both could
have been improved by more training for the photographers. But the
reason they did both was to get the message out in various
ways--brochures for money raising, publicity of other sorts, and they
are planning to use the video in many venues from villages to national
TV. In fact, there were clips from it on national TV's evening news the
following nights. So the opportunities are out there. Making money at it
will be a little bit more of a challenge--but things do change.

Just recently the director Radio Yeleen was sharing his passion with
Ernie. He dreams is to get more and higher quality training for his
radio staff as well as have a video studio here where training can be
provided to help reach Mali for Christ. You see, God is already planting
a reciprocal dream here.

I love the way you are dreaming, both of you, of how God may be able to
use you in Mali. That will appeal to the people you are talking with and
will help you raise the necessary support and funds. It is great. Keep
it up. My caution to you is to remember they are dreams, and when you
arrive you will be living in reality. When your expectations meet with
the heat, dust and dirt of the real Mali some may become a little
tattered and unreachable. Don't decide that it is a spiritual problem
and you are not living on a high enough plane. It is just that we live
in a real world, in a culture that you have been exposed to but do not
totally understand. In fact, as Linda Arzouni says, after decades in
Africa--"I can dress like the Malians, I can eat their food, I can talk
their language, I can love them--but I can never be one of them."

God bless you as you impact your world today and in the days ahead. The
Lord helps us to dream and, if we let Him, helps us put our dreams to
work to make the most of reality.


Isn't that great. I love people who still write real, 'meaty' letters!


  1. That was encouraging. We need to read that for our mentors. I love your dreams Jeff...

  2. Wow! What a great and encouraging and yet raw and real message from your friend. Thanks for sharing it with us!

    "People don't talk like that anymore...but they think that way" Loose quote from one of my fave movies: National Treasure.
