Monday, February 09, 2009

Wolf's Bane

As the stunned fog cleared from reading heresy written by someone I believed to be in love with Jesus, I wrote this on an envelope just as it poured from me.

I believe:
God is Holy, set apart, and His very nature ordains glory and praise.

Mankind was created by God chiefly to glorify Himself.

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

The chief method in which God glorifies Himself today is through the proclamation of truth about Himself by His Church/Body in word and deed.

Jesus' clear instructions were to go to every ethnicity and language making disciples, baptizing, and teaching obedience.

The Spirit provides unity among believer that goes beyond all barriers.

The church (catholic, worldwide) should seek equality.


  1. My heart is so saddened to hear that someone you tho't was "in love with Jesus", apparently isn't. You have stated clearly your heart. These are my deepest beliefs, and I pray that in my journey, I learn daily how to live the truths that I claim. Pray that God keeps me focused, eyes only on Him.
