Monday, February 02, 2009

A picture of my heart in the form of a sermon.

I hate for my most recent post to be largely of content from someone else, but every once-in-a-while somebody says what you're thinking and feeling better than you do. John Piper has done that for me on several occations. When he talks about a Holy Ambition, who I am resonates with what he says. When he calls people to be senders in the church's effort to reach all people, I dream about the power God intends His people to have. Piper's sermon on Col. 1:24 gave God-glorifying purpose to a long-time attraction I've had to suffering.
If you want to know me better, if you want to better understand what God has called our family too, I really encourage you to listen to these sermons. It is an investment... almost three hours of listening, but that's what we want. We want people to invest in us. We want people committed to taking the gospel to unreached people through us, whatever suffering and sacrifice it will take.

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