Saturday, February 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by Jeff Frazee.
So I guess you can't leave posts if you don't have a blog. It didn't used to be like that.
I'm trying to resolve what God thinks of me with what other people think of me. I feel preasured to be working. From moment to moment, I try to make the best use of my time, and honestly, I haven't looked for a "real job" yet. I've been shooting for Times Media Inc., but they don't pay me. I've tried to get them to pay me, but they haven't really responded. Then I have been taking care of work around my parents and grandma places, and I send out portfolios whenever I hear about a new opportunity at a newspaper. There are 7 more that I am going to be sending out this Monday.
Is that good enough, God? Praise God, He continues to uphold His promise to provide for our needs.
I've been thinking that we should start moving toward missions. We know that we want to move back overseas someday. And while we don't feel the Lord leading us anywhere in particular, I think it would be really good for us to align ourselves with churches and individuals. It could be really good for the church to see that it often takes people many years to get on the field. Usually the church just sees the last year or so as people collect the money they need to leave for the field.

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