Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Road to Mali

Turn up your volume.
I hope this brings some clarity to what is going on in our lives. Please feel free to share this video. Pray that we get all the support we need to leave by August!


  1. You should have a "tissue" warning. I cried from the moment I heard your voice! Oh, I miss you all already, but I am so excited for all that God has in store for you! Your heart for the Malians is incredible, and I look forward to seeing what amazing things God will do in and through you to reach those wonderful people! Gotta go get another tissue!

  2. Ditto, what Christine said. What I really want to know though, is... How in the heck did you get all 3 kids to sit there like that?!
    Beautiful family, beautiful hearts for our Lord. Love you all.

  3. We love you guys too. I'm in Colorado learning and preparing for all this missionary life stuff. They tell us that it is very important to communicate our expectations. So I'm letting you know that I expect to see both of you out there.
    FYI: We were just as amazed at that shot of the family. We only did two takes! Praise Jesus! They melted down shortly after that.
